Friday, May 11, 2012

New Trends in Cloud Computing -

With cloud computing taking another steps forward , below are some new cloud computing trends

  1. Cloud-based authentication technology.
  2. Cloud-based wireless routing management and technology.
  3. Cloud-based VPN management and 
  4. Dumbed-down firewalls managed in the cloud.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cloud Computing ?

In nuttshell , Cloud computing is about software and services delivered through the internet.

For users, cloud computing is inexpensive and simple, because it removes the need to spend time and money on installing software and managing servers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cloud Computing and Security

Cloud Computing and Security

  1. Unlimited Storage.
  2. Immense Processing Power.
  3. Improved Performance (with SSD).
  4. Security polices in place

cloud is very tempting especially when it is going to save thousands of $

Apart from all the above, while preparing the strategies about what system we want to put on the public/private/hybrid cloud,  it provides us a fare chance to look into our existing inventory of the system and evaluates
  1. what systems are underutilized/not utilized at all , and can be replace with the existing system.
  2. is there any system(s) that have security gaps , if so it provides us a chance to close the security gap before putting that into cloud.